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History Rewritten!

Oh yes!
I'm super duper happy today!
Thankful is a better adjective, I believe.
Was worried all the time since yesterday.
Listening to the updates in the morning and early noon was indeed making me feel scared.
But, I believed.
I prayed to the Mighty One.
And finally, our prayer has been answered.
We have rewritten the history!
Something new had happened in the history of my campus.
And now, we are expecting for the new changes that is yet to be brought by
our new YDP.
My dearest friend.
For all that you had went through,
You have got a perfect opportunity to regain all that you had lost.
May under your organization and leadership, Fairness be unto to all despite the colour and race.
One thing to conclude about today.
the bad one might be winning at first but they wouldn't.
The good one would look like they are losing, but God would eventually make them win the thing.

SO that was what happened today!
All the best for the new YDP.
Then sun is shining bright again!
Hope is sowed in us.
May justice be prevailed!
God bless everyone. :D

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